Monday, February 14, 2011

BUSY busy & bUsY!!!!

busynye skunk nie..
da seminggu lebey da xder rest lgsung nie...
penat xpyh ckp la..
da kendur da suma urat saraf aku nie ha..

weekday byk keje,weekend lg la byk!
OMG ( Oh Meletihkan Giler!)
tapi kan,walopun byk keje,
aku ase cam eppy lak..
bru terasa idup nie terisi..
an an an..=)

nasib bek lawatan ilmiah da lepas,
so tunggu nk settlekn karnival sukan tuk rabu nie..
lusa la tu!
hopefully suma berjalan lancar n
da most important thing, X UJAN!!!!!!
ari nie ujan je..
abesla kalu ari karnival tu ujan..
mana nk buat sukan2 nie..
budak2 tu pun suma lari la nanti...
tolonglah Ya Allah,
jgnla ujan ari tu nanti...

abes je karnival,esoknye tu lawatan lagi..
pi yg nie lawatan ke pusat spastik kat PJ lak...
mesti tersentuh ati aku nanti tgk
dak2 kelainan upaya nie...
aku xleh tgk oku (org kelainan upaya) nie...
ase cam kesian sgt2...waaaa...;(
khamis dpn pun g lawatan lagi kat putrajaya...
still program pendidikan khas punya...
memg bg kesedaran la kat aku sbg cekgu nie....

da hal tu,
nk kena plan pulak tuk lawatan for BIG!
mana nk pegi nie kengkawan?
ada cdgn?
nk pilih tmpt satu hal pulak..
mana nk pergi pun xtau...
g sepang la..
nk x?
ok gak tu an..
ke ada cdgn len?
bg la kat aku...
really need it...

thanx coz korang sudi follow blog aku yg xseberapa nie..
teruskan memfollowkan diri yea..

nie ada sekeping dua tiga pix aku kat 
lawatan ilmiah @ Malaysian Association for the Blind (MAB)...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

My Princess (+_^)

nie plak citer latest punye..
aku bru start tgk pi stakat nie,
agak best la..
korang pun join la byk kaki skali yek!

i present u........

nie sinopsis citer MY PRINCESS nie...

(nie umah aku akan datang!) muahaha~

da namanye princess kan,mestila ada castle..
xkn duk umah poyo2 cam kiter jer...=p

nie plak para pelakonnye.....

my lovely SONG SEUNG HEON!


LALALA (^_^)

Playful Kiss =)

nie citer Korea yg sgt besh!
tajuk citer nie ialah PLAYFUL KISS!
cupp cupp!

nie sinopsis citer nih~

Vintage Fairy Playful Kiss is based on the Japanese manga Mischievous Kiss. Brought to you by Group Eight (Goong and Boys over Flowers). The drama has previously been made ifor Japenese and Taiwanese audiences and they both were a huge success!
click to zoom
Vintage Fairy Playful Kiss is about a popular and genius male student named Baek Sueng-jo who has a stand-offish personality and Oh Hani who is a female student who makes up for being not-so-genius by always being smiling and happy. An earthquake destroys the girl's home and she and her dad end up living with the boy's family. The girl has kept this boy in her heart but she has never received any assurances of her love being reciprocated. Fun and groans ensue as they interact and rub off on each other.
How will this drama end?

pelakon2nye ialah..........

Vintage Fairy
Main Cast
Vintage Fairy
click to zoom
click to zoom

Vintage FairyOther CastVintage Fairy

Lee Si Young as Yoon Hae Ra
Jung Hye Young as Hwang Geum Hee
Oh Kyung Soo as Baek Soo Chang
Jang Ah Young as Hong Jang Mi
Choi Won Hong as Baek Eun Jo
Song Yong Shik as Song Ji Oh
Kang Nam Gil as Oh Ki Dong
Hong Yoon Hwa as Jung Joo Ri
Yoon Seung Ah as Go Min Ah
Hwang Hyo Eun as Song Kang Yi
Moon Hoe Won as Head Teacher Hwang
Bye Bye Sea as Bong Joon Gu's idols

pesanan dyeowg...

do enjoy this movie k..
so sweet!!